Just theMeek and His KambengRawk. What is that you say? Yes. You are truly right! I have no idea what is this all about. And it's my LIFE.

Monday, March 18, 2002

theMeek World Shortest FAQ

Question : Why have theMeek stop blogging?
Answer: DrinkMe.

From this day,
My Shirt Ninja Alter Ego Name will be Kazuko Shimada -san
And My Alter Ego Jedi will be Aidmo Katarn.
Must be Kyle Katarn Linear Age.
Awaits for Jedi Knight2.

Oh man!
There is a site called SHIRT NINJA?
At last I have found my long lost alter ego brother of mine.

Having fun with 2 girls on my last weekend before NS.
I said 2 Girls!


Sunday, March 17, 2002

Egg Nog is not an Easter Egg

1: Simply goto http://www.3drealms.com
2: Generate a 404 such as http://www.3drealms.com/xx.html
3: This page is the egg.
4: Refresh the page to see different quotes and pictures.

Thru the Looking Glass

1: Go to www.ask.com
2: Type in Drink Me
3: Click the question Drink Me?

Saturday, March 16, 2002

So I went along with the gerls for the photo spree.
It would be good I think.
I hope they won't rape me twice cos I'm shy.
I'm so shy.
Please don't do that to me.
I'm still a virgin.
I'm not a boy but not yet a man.

Today will be my last weekend before I join the National Service.
And I still haven't bought my undies yet.
So I was thinking yesterday.
Would it be great If I don't have to buy undies and ask my mom to make it for me.
Like a knitted undies or a patchwork undies.
That would be awesome.
But I won't think my sergeant will like that very much.
So I won't.

Yesterday went by pass TAKA and didn't know that there were some sort of 'fest.
So I went.
Funkadelic Psyhadelic music 60s man!
There is this one band form Indonesia.They are very best!
See! My english is so broken that they are so very the good.
What is it? I dunno.
Then there is another band who won some contest and have been in the local scene for quite sometime.
And they played song from the beatles. I like Hey jude. That was the last song for the day.

And there is another guy called Darren. And he made a parody of a song from Withdoctor.
He was so funny that I almost laugh my heart out.
But I didn't.
If I did. I'll be dead you'll see.
Funkadelic 60s man!

Friday, March 15, 2002

So I got myself some books to add to my array of informative crap.
1 Dune:House Of Harkonnen
1 Dune:House of Atreidis
1 The Beach
1 Great Tales of Horror & the Supernatural <-- I dunno why but what the hey. It's a hardcover. Anything with hardcover is always good.

That thrift shop is so dope!
I'm always discussing business economics with that uncle.I have no idea what i'm talking about to him.
I wish he could stop babbling about singapore economics and give me a bloody discounts.

You guys must have known that Chu Mei-Fung is coming to here.
And what the fucking fuck man? Everyone gathering to have photos of her.
What the bleeding fuck man? Isn't anyone have enough footage of her on the vcd?
What the freaking fuck man? Whoa the bloodyhell cares?

Taiwan sex scandal woman arouses morality debate in Singapore.
What the fuck?
A planned musical performance here by Chu Mei-fung?
What the fucking fuck?
Bleeding freakin fuck!

Sorry for the fucking fuck, fuck.
Pardone my francais.

Have you ever wondered which Wonderland character you would most resemble? Take this handy little quiz to find out which of five characters you most resemble. Warning: requires a serious sense of humor. This is for fun. Please don't take it seriously and commit suicide if you aren't your favorite character.

You Are: The Cheshire Cat

The Cheshire Cat

You're a neutral, middle of the road kind of cat, but in the end
you have a definite preference for good. You can be fickle and self-pleasing, but don't mind helping when it isn't too
inconvenient. So polish those claws and make your mark in Wonderland.

Thursday, March 14, 2002

Who the fuck is she? I didn't know that she was an actress.
Got this from Noriz

Ex-TV actress gets jail for possessing cocaine,

Former television actress Michelle Low Lin Lin stood still and stony-faced yesterday, as she received an 18-month jail sentence for possessing cocaine, the first such conviction in Singapore. But she broke down in the dock when her aunt went to hug her, as her mother arranged for her $25,000 bail following her appeal. Her sister and two others watched in silence.

Who the bloodyhell cares rite?

You guys ever watch The Adventures of Lano and Woodley?
These two guys just crack me up. I know you would too.
It's an australian comedy.
Check this short summary if you wanna check it out.

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

Life is full of challenges. First there's that whole "being born" thing, which really doesn't seem like a very pleasant experience. Then for the next 18 years, it's all about getting a good education. And finally when we become adults, the challenge is simply to find a job that supports the never-ending Soda and potato chips habit with enough time left over for video games.

Sunday, March 10, 2002

This one is for SpaceMonkey

What does it take to be a Spacemonkey? It takes courage, determination, and the ability to lose every thing to be free. You must be willing to lose your entire life. Give it all up. Become the person you want to be. Someone who will decide to start fresh with their life and make the most out of what is given to you. No more lazyness, no more being a slave, no more giving up what is important in life for other people. Join PROJECT MAYHEM.

When you join with us, you'll be joining an elite team of social anarchists willing to sacrifice themselves for a better cause. The beneficial outlook of human society. We are out to change a few things, break down a few barriers holding us back from what we really want. Do you have what it takes? Come get a beating and find out.

Look at the sky, go back inside
And turn the corner into the night
It's such a preety time of year
The silver falls the sliver shears...
Everytime we say next time,
And every year we say next year
Watch each other for a sign
And spend another winter here

GHOST WORLD / (2001) **** (out of four)

For those of us who tire of standard teen movies, here's the film to brighten our day. It's a monkey wrench in the cranks of the tedious genre that features actors in their mid-twenties portraying stereotypical high-school characters shamelessly indulging predictable plots of frivolous romance. Where most movies set in high schools find resolve in romantics, "Ghost World" dares to be different.

Yet it contains all the usual ingredients-aimless main characters, one-dimensional side characters, high school graduation, moronic parents, sexual revelations, a romance-but it tastes different. This movie doesn't believe high school is the root of youth complications; it knows that school isn't where the confusion lies-it's after graduation when the complexities begin.

The movie opens as a high school senior dances along with a music video. Sounds like a typical teenager? Well, not really. The music this girl listens to isn't exactly mainstream. Nothing about Enid (Thora Birch from "American Beauty") is ordinary.

The same goes for her best friend, Rebecca (Scarlett Johansson). She is slightly more focused than the aimless Enid, but, as they graduate from high school in the opening scenes, neither of them know what they want out of life.

Rebecca and Enid find interesting people to follow, exploit, and embarrass, just for their own leisure, but even this loses its edge. Making the most (or least) of their situation, the girls stumble upon an outstandingly pathetic personal ad. As a joke, they respond. However, when they meet this man, Enid becomes infatuated with him.

In their post high school days, Enid and Rebecca find themselves slowly drifting apart. Rebecca is eager to get an apartment and get on with her life, while Enid lives by the day, following one infatuation after another. As their attitudes gradually change from cynical to sober, Enid and Rebecca's emerging differences become blatantly obvious, but painfully realized.

"Ghost World" refers to the world in which these characters live, a town slowly being overcome by shopping malls and coffee shops; a town that slowly loses its distinctions and becomes a ghost of what it once was.

My small town of Mason, MI speaks for itself. Once a minuscule farming suburb of the state's capital, it's now a breeding ground for new subdivisions, factories, stores, gas stations, trailer parks, and businesses. Before you know it, it will be a densely populated city like the capital itself.

"Ghost World" makes harsh points, but it never loses its sense of humor. Enid is so full of bitter cynicism that we have to laugh. She indulges the dialogue. It's often tactlessly frank, savoring every opportunity to bash, thrash, ridicule, or insult anyone or anything for any reason.

Society tends to repress our caustic desire to insult a fellow man, but "Ghost World" doesn't hesitate. It takes a lot of risks, but never steps in the wrong direction. It connects us with these characters. They are so casually antisocial that we can't help but to love them. At times, the movie doesn't require dialogue. It simply examines the character's surroundings. We get to know these people so well, we know exactly what they're thinking before they say it. They are a part of our instincts to react on impulse.

But a character is only as good as the actor behind it. "Ghost World" features enormously engaging performances. Brad Renfro gives his nobody store clerk a raw blandness. Illeana Douglas injects a kind of controlled eccentricity into her role as an art teacher. Steve Buscemi creates a hopeless record player collector out of repressed emotion, and lack thereof.

Scarlett Johansson gives Rebecca a dry, depressed mood. Thora Birch steals the whole show with a straightforward, fearless performance. Although the movie never defines the relationship between Enid and Rebecca, the actors themselves make it clear. They create an enticing charisma that gradually turns to an awkward tension.

"Ghost World" captures part of our journey from childhood to adulthood with poetic grace and cynical wit. Though it's not really a coming-of-age film, where a young character finally takes a place in the world. Enid never finds her place, decides her future, or chooses a path. By the end of the story, she simply becomes aware of her possible options. This movie is just the beginning of her story.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

I am Jedi Master. I am in one with the force.

Recreation. The one thing that every person in the world enjoys doing. How do we do it? We let ourselves go. Escape all the doldrums of life and set forth to make or minds and bodies free once again.

Do whatever makes you happy. Relieve some of that pressure brought upon by society and it's need to push you until you almost break. Escape reality. It's the only thing holding you back. And it is the only thing pushing you forward. You just have to decide which way you want to go. You can sit on your ass all day punching numbers waiting to punch a clock. You can be on your feet all day waiting to get off them.

You can be free. Free to do anything you want. If you cant do that, then maybe you can start one step at a time. Start by relaxing. Take it from there.

Need to get a little frustration out? Scream and yell to your hearts content. It doesn't have to be directed towards anybody or anything. Just scream out loud. You'll find that this a good way to relieve even a little bit of anger and aggression.

Not enough, well maybe you have different tastes. Maybe you enjoy reading books (I suggest Chuck Palahniuk, great writer), or playing golf, watch some television (there's always some good crap on), go to the gym, whatever it is that makes you happy.

Whatever it is, do it. Because the world is a tough place, and not everyone can make it what they want it to be. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose.

Us, we like to fight...

Why do we fight? If you understood, you'd do it too. Our lives are driven into monotonous tradition. Work, Eat, Sleep. Is this what our lives our reduced to? Being forced to slave all day so someone else can reap the benefits of your blood, sweat and tears? How does this make you feel? Good? I didn't think so.

So how do you change all this? We're not offering an answer, we're offering a solution.

When you fight, you can feel the change instantaneously. That tense, anxious feeling in the pit of your stomach, that is your hatred for being a person who is forced to be a lemming. The blood on your knuckles is the blood of your boss, your father, your wife. The broken teeth that fall out of your mouth are the very things that are holding you back in your ever pressing struggle for individualism. You spit them out and throw another punch.

Well I'm a truth addict...
Augh shit I got a head rush!
Some of the best lyrics I've heard lately have been from RATM, I love Zach's style. That mofo ain't scared to say to say JACK! We all know that the government is responsible for most of the problems in today's society, so why isn't owning up to their shit?

Remember back in school when you had to do homework? You hated it, why the hell should you do work out of school. You had very little precious time to yourself and then the teacher was shoving more work in your face, so you can waste the rest of your day doing the work that should have been done in school.

Our homework is different. This is worth your time. This will build character. Show you who you really are. What you can take and what you cannot take.

Here's some of the homework assignments you may have missed:

(1) Start a fight with someone: You must get into a fight with a complete stranger and you will lose. This will teach you to take a hit. It will also show you how to admit defeat. When you know that you can never win everything in life than your homework is complete.
(2) Destroy a public

Live From Death Row: Mumia Abu-Jamal - Joe Hill: Gibbs M. Smith - The
Mau Mau War Perspective: Frank Ferudi - The Aesthetic Dimension,
Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics: Herbert Marcuse - The Fire
Last Time, 1968 and After: Chris Harman - The Media Monopoly: Ben H.
Bagdikian - 50 Ways To Fight Censorship: Dave Marsh - Hegemony and
Revolution: A Study of Antonio Geamsci's Political & Cultural Theory:
Walter L. Adamson - The Mismeasure of Man: Stephen Gould - Che
Guevera, A New Society, Reflections for Today's World: David
Deutschman, Editor - The Marx-Engels Reader, 2nd ed.: Robert C.
Tucker, Editor - What Uncle Sam Really Wants: Noam Chomsky - Amazing
Grace, The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation:
Jonathan Kozol - Marxism and the New Imperialism: Alex Callinicos,
John Rees, Chris Harman, Mike Haynes - Rules for Radicals: Saul D.
Alinsky - A People's History of the United States: Howard Zinn - The
Lorax: Dr. Seuss - East Los Angeles, History of a Barrio: Richard
Romo - Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World
War II: William Blum - Race for Justice, Mumia Abu-Jamal's Fight
Against The Death Penalty: Leonard Weinglass - Guerilla Warfare:
Che Guevera - Zapata of Mexico: Peter E. Newell - Malcolm X Speaks,
Selected Speeches and Statements: George Breitman - Marxism and the
Press, Oppression of Women, Toward a Unitary Theory: Lise Vogel -
Inevitable Revolutions, The United States in Central America: Walter
LaFeber - The Chomsky Reader: James Peck, Editor - Chicano Politics,
Reality and Promise 1940-1990: Juan Gomez Quinones - The Wretched of
the Earth: Franz Fanon - What is Communist Anarchism?: Alexander
Berkman - Soledad Brother, The Prison Letters of George Jackson:
George Jackson - Fidel and Religion, Conversations With Frei Beuo:
Frei Betto - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American
Slave: Frederick Douglass - Democracy is in the Streets: James
Miller - Capital, Volume One: Karl Marx -The Black Panthers Speak:
Philip S. Foner, Editor - Keeping The Rabble in line, Interviews
with David Barsamian: Noam Chomsky - Walden and Civil Disobedience:
Henry David Thoreau - Darkness at Noon: Arthur Koester - The Culture
of Narcissism, American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations:
Christopher Lasch - Play it as it Lays: Joan Didion - The State and
Revolution: V.I. Lenin - Soul on Ice: Eldridge Cleaver - Kwame
Nkrumah, The Conarky Years, His Life and Letters: Compiled by June
Milne - Revolutionary Suicide: Huey P. Newton - The Anarchist
Cookbook: William Powell - Manufacturing Consent, The Political
Economy of the Mass Media: Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky -
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: James Joyce - Another Country:
James Baldwin - The Grapes of Wrath: John Steinbeck - The Armies of
the Night: Norman Mailer -Invisible Man: Ralph Ellison - Rebellion
from the Roots, Indian Uprising in Chiapas: John Ross - First World
Ha! Ha! Ha! The Zapatista challenge: Elaine Katzenberger, Editor -
The Teachings of Don Juan, A Yaqui Way of Knowledge: Carlos
Castaneda - Tropic of Cancer: Henry Miller - Johnny Got his Gun:
Dalton Trumbo - Essays in Existentialism: Jean-Paul Sartre - How
Real is Real? Confusion, Disinformation, Communication: Paul
Watzlawick - Ghost of a Chance: William S.Burroughs - Popism, The
Warhol Sixties: Andy Warhol & Pat Hackett - Chicana Falsa and
Other Stories of Death, Identity, and Oxnard: Michele M. Serros -
Promissory Notes: Women in the Transition to Socialism: Sonia Kruks,
Ranya Rapp, Marilyn B. Young, Editors - Gay New York: Gender, Urban
Culture, and the Making of a Gay World: George Chauncey - This
Bridge Called my Back: Writings by radical women of color: Cherrie
Monzaga, Gloria Anzaluda, Editors - Miles, the Autobiography: Miles
Davis - The Sixties Papers, Documents of a Rebellious Decade:
Judith Clavir Albert and Stewart Edward Albert - The Graphic Work:
M. C. Escher - The Anarchist Cookbook: William Powell - Bob Marley
Spirit Dancer: Bruce W. Talamon - Dali, The Paintings: Benedikt
Taschen, Robert Taschen.

Books to be read.
And again here's my advice to you.
"arm yourself with knowledge,
before it becomes ILLEGAL..."

Ever read JollyRoger Cookcook or the Anarchist Cookbook?
Bleach to make plastic explosive?
In jolly Roger cookbook, he even teach you how to counterfeit money in your houshold.
Whoa.Extreme. Too bad some stuff u can't buy in singapore to make the "stuff".

Networks at work keeping people calm, u know they went after King when he spoke out of vietnam

Once there was a guy who left his sack unattended during the break at
school. Well, the alarm-clock from hell was put into the back, in a location
where he wouldn't look, just before a lecture. Gee, did he get the looks
when it rang in the midst of the lecture [there was 150-200 people in the

From the Avenger Manual.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

Who prays loudest?
Who salutes longest?
Who follows orders?
Who is bought and sold?
Who is free to choose?
Who is beyond the law?
Who dies first?
Who laughs last?

This is for the people of the sun.

Monday, March 04, 2002

So it seems that I have not blogging for days.
I must have been missing lost time.
Maybe the aliens have abducted me and conducted anal probe on my nose.
But that would be a pain in the nostrils.

Bleedinghell I just got my pc reformatted and everything is bloody gone.
I lost all my passwords.
I'm sure to do this.
But I won't.