What da bloody hell?
I'm 22 and still full of angst?
Okie wait.
I know something about relaxing.
Breathe in.
Okie now I'm full of air.
I think I'm beginning to turn green.
What da bloody hell?
I forgot step number 2.
Breathe out.
There much better now.
Lame I am.
Thursday, January 31, 2002
Huh!? I didn't know that.
But I know now!
...No one else saw the joke. That's why he was lonely.
Heard a joke once: Man goes to the doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems
harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world, where what
lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says: "Treatment is simple. Great
clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up."
Man bursts into tears. Says "But doctor..."
"...I am Pagliacci"
Good joke.
Everybody laugh.
Roll on snare drum.
- From the DC graphic novel "Watchmen" by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
Wednesday, January 30, 2002
I just loves this show, BLUE'S CLUES
Too bad the guy, STEVE will be replaced by another character.
Those who says Metallica have sold out or anything.
F@#k them!
I mean literally.
Please don't hump anyone who says Metallica sucks.
You'll end up in Hotel California maybe.
They are the mother load of mother f@#king shit!
But then again,
They can be quite an ass about the Napster thing.
But they ROCKS man!
Tuesday, January 29, 2002
This time i have decided to share with you how to make one of my specialities, " grilled potatoes with a touch of honey, and 2 litres of milk "
what you'll need:
- grilled potatoes
- a touch of honey
- 2 litres of milk
what you won't need:
- experience with electrical components
- 28 nude mexicans
- a picture of my nose
- important information about chinese mating habits
what you do:
take the touch of honey, put it on the grilled potatoes, and serve
with 2 litres of milk.
Monday, January 28, 2002
Aw Yea Aw Yea
There is a FREE concert at YOUTH PARK this weekend!
Why is the FREE is in bold?
Why can't I?
It's FREE!
POD is coming to town!
There it is again. In Bold!
Aw man. I'm so BOLD and skinny.
There’s a place for you an no one knows it’s name
You give up searching, and you are really not to blame
It’s where the power burns and never fades away
Where you’re the strongest, you know what you’ve got to say
Close your eyes and drift away
Follow me and I will show you my own way
How to open up that door, that one that is inside of you
When I go down, I close my eyes
It’s time for you to burn and blow away the pieces
Building up a fortress banning lies
When I go down, I close my eyes
And I know that there’s a place somewhere inside me
The place in which I’m finally at home
Let your bombs explode and execute your fear
Don’t care ‘bout nothing, but do just what you feel
All the problems and the worries of the past
Unnecessary, ‘cause no one cares about at last
I'm so thrilled that someone is reading this.
Ps: My eyes is bleeding now. tsk tsk.
Friday, January 25, 2002
Thursday, January 24, 2002
So I woke up early this morning.
Sit beside my cat.
Watch it clean itself.
Cute it is.
Then it went cleaning it rear end.
Gross it is.
Wednesday, January 23, 2002
I love the Raimi Brothers movies/shows.
I love Bruce Campbell acting.
I love The Evil Dead.
I love The Evil Dead Part Deux.
I love Army of Darkness.
I love Seaquest DSV.
I love SPACE:Above and Beyond.
I love Labyrinth.
I love Tripod.
I love V.
I love XENA.
Hey who doesn't love em?
Lovelorn Angst Rule #1: There are plenty of good women and good men out there.
Unfortunately, they are all hiding from each other.
Lovelorn Angst Rule #2: If you do find a good MOTAS (member of the angst-
inducing sex), chances are that he/she is already enamored with some creep
who treats him/her like dirt.
Lovelorn Angst Rule #3: If you get into a relationship with someone who seems
like a good MOTAS, you will soon find that you were deluding yourself and that
he/she is really a creep who treats you like dirt.
Lovelorn Angst Rule #4: Even when you discover that your beloved is really a
jerk, you will be so enamored by his or her good qualities that you will still
be obsessed by him/her many years after he/she has dumped you.
Lovelorn Angst Rule #5: Being lonely sucks. Being in a bad relationship sucks.
Your opinion of which is which is worse depends on which situation you are
currently in.
-T Carstensen
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's
opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
This is my official notice of intent to resign from any further pursuit of ever
finding a mate. I will now go with much too little sleep, eat way too little,
drink too much coffee, smoke too many cigarettes, and work myself to death in a
real short timespan.
There is a need within us all to be close to other human beings. We all fear
to be close to others, therefore we distance ourselves, either literally, or by
using false selves so we don't have to really deal with each other. Herein lies
true angst.
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down, it makes me laugh all over again.Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled.Feeling melancholy.Sometimes it makes me sad, though, him being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright and when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice...but still, the place you live is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.
I guess I just miss my friend.
I didn't even know that my ramblings can make someone go and have a farting experience?
Minah potpet is a testament of my point.
But I don't have a point.
So hey minah petpot.
That guy you wanna know,
He is indeed hensemest,
But he is already taken.
Please send your resume to your nearest provision store.
So that you will have a free ride to hotel california?
And again I have no point.
Ps: Dia memang hensemest habis. Now tremble at his hensemest face.
Sunday, January 20, 2002
i bet the romans got confused
when they loaded up word perfect
and noticed that a font was
named after them.
i slowly approached the refrigerator. i didn't really notice
it there, not until my hand reached out and grabbed the handle.
i wasn't sure what to do. vague memories of a "how to open a
refrigerator" seminar flashed in front of my eyes. i panicked.
my feet started to shake. then, i fell.
shortly before my inevitable collision with the kitchen
floor i realized that my hand was still holding onto the
refrigerator door handle. i panicked some more. then, i smiled.
the refrigerator door opened.
a cold stream of air engulfed my body. i stood up, shivering
as i did so, to get a better look at the wonders in front of me.
a bread immediately caught my eye, but i did not look at it long.
the jar standing right beside it looked much more interesting,
and i stared. i stared at it in awe, for it was truly
magnificent. i wanted to take it, to smell it, to taste it, but
i couldn't. i didn't know how. i wasn't ready.
i spend many hours in front of the refrigerator every day.
the jar is always there, beside the bread. i sit in
front of it, wanting to take it, wanting to taste its contents,
but i never do. not yet.
Saturday, January 19, 2002

Take the Which Radiohead Album are you? Quiz.
Although you may sound like a horrible affliction, you're actually one of the greatest albums of all time. EVERYONE loves you. You have an uncomplicated, charming, and youthful personality, but upon close investigation, there is much to your character. You know most everything, and you're likely to have done well on the SAT's. You perceive the world around you very well, and your thoughts have only been mildly corrupted by modern-day society. Still, there's a hidden side to you that you rarely reveal.
Went to the Job Fair at Jurong East.
Thinking of having a police interview on this day, I cut my hair short
But the irony, there was none.
Attempt was futile.
And My Cussins puL lose his handphone.
Dude look so daze.
Anyone who had his handphone.
That is harsh.
Oh Yay!
At last I got a letter from CMPB
And Woohoo! I'm gonna be a NSMEN on March 19th as a NS PoliceMan.
Thursday, January 17, 2002
I've been configuring the servos on my VOneS chassis
and I still can't find the fault.
When I switch on the receiver nothing happened
But when I switch on the transmitter.
It started to spasm and goes Alzheimer like.
In malay I say "kereta nih dah kena sawan babi agaknya"
Okay those who doesn't know what is a VOneS.
It's a Nitro R/C Touring Car.
It's not a toy as you think it is.
It can go 50km/h.
But I think it is a toy.
I am an inner child which is deprived of playing toys.
I am so toy 'r' us kid.
New olympic events
i've always thought that there were too many boring events at the olympic games. next
thursday i am going to be writing a letter to the olympic committee in which i will
state my terms: "add some new exciting events or i will kill you". then, i will not
mail it. i am still a tad too insecure about starting a relationship as intense as
track and feel - in this exciting new event, athletes track each other down and
then feel each other up.
mini cold war - a cold war on a small scale, fought between two teams of 14 players
each. the full game lasts 50 years.
death hurdles - just like normal hurdles, except that the hurdles are actually five
pickup trucks driving towards the athletes at speeds approaching
300 miles an hour. world record: 5 metres.
sex - come on, people have been doing it alone and in teams for centuries!
why not make it commercial, like basketball?
find martin - in this event, submitted by a turkish prison guard, the athletes
have to find martin. the catch is that nobody knows who martin is,
where he lives, or even what his mother's maiden name is.
random characters - contestants shout out as many random characters from the ASCII
character set as they can. the amiga version of this event is
currently being invented.
And no, there is no masturbation event. that's disguisting. you should be ashamed of
yourself for thinking about that kind of stuff.
this is a REAL diary of the only survivor of a sunken ship, who was
stranded on a deserted island, until he died in 1784. It was found in 1994
Day 1: I seem to be stranded on a deserted island.
Day 2: Today was fun. I ate seaweed.
Day 3: I don't feel too good.
There are no other entires.
What's the moral of this diary?
Never eat seaweed.
If the world of politics worked the way the world of professional
wrestling does, many things would be different. Just imagine. 1975 - France
joins the Warsaw pact. Why would France do such a thing? Who cares. It DID.
If WWF and WCW were in charge of the world, Britain would suddenly bomb the US
and announce that it is after all, a muslim country, and that the attack on Iraq
was just a set-up. Norway and Sweden would probably end up with the tag-team
'countries of the world' belts, because, well... they've got such similar flags.
So yeah, I don't think that Hulk Hogan should become president of ANY country.
What's next? David Hasselhof being elected as the new president?
Hey. Have you ever seen any of those 'love' hearts? You know, those
things people that are in love draw on busses, trees.. walls? A heart, with
their initials or names inside, with a plus in between. You know what i'm
talking about, right? I'd LOVE to see three names in there. Imagine sitting on
the bus one day, reading the graffiti.. and seeing something like 'mark + betty
+ steve'. I have no idea why this isn't done. I think i'm going to have to
start putting things like that up. Or hey, even a heart with names of two guys
in it. Why is it that only heterosexual COUPLES do this? Why haven't other
groups followed suit? Do they KNOW that this sort of thing CAN be done, or are
they just all anti-graffiti? Doesn't matter... next time i'm on a bus, and i'm
bored, i'm drawing a big-ass heart wherever there's room.. 'bob d. + mike +
fred + martin + bob s. + frank'.
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
Let me go, I´m not crazy anymore, I´m just like you,
A man with ears and eyes
Can´t you see, I am normal now for sure,
I´m a boy who´s wearing red striped ties
I´m just a little lunatic with a caddledrum and a stick.
I play the whole time the same old song
I´m just a little lunatic and my name it is not Rick
If you call me Rick – Then you are wrong
You are wrong
Let me go, I´m not the same as I was before
I changed my life – conversion of my mind
Can´t you see, this lonely life is such a bore
I´m no longer one of this mad kind
I´m not a little lunatic, no more playing with my stick
No more singing the same old song
I´m not a little lunatic, I will break out and then I will buy a pig
That I´ll call Elvis, cause you are wrong
You are wrong
Okay I feel cheated.
There is no police walk-interview today at PA.
Luckily I went there with my cussin.
So we went to NOVENA POINT.
Quite a nice place to hang out.
But I'm so frustrated.
Bloody hell.
Shah kurang asem kau!
Nevermind one day I become commisioner.
You wait. You wait.
Wait you scary yourself.
Ermm does that sound stupid?
Well it does taste sweet and sour while eating this nutella hazelnut spread.
So what have all this got to do with anything?
Thou shalt not kill.
I did this just for a police walk interview.
One simple line.
MY Hair Cannot Make It.
Haha! aka Nelson Munzt
Hey Shaz of Hib3rn@ti0n.
I'm not insane.
Please do not call me that.
As they say,
Do not meddle with the affairs of theMeek
As they are subtle and quick to anger.
I'm just mental diverge.
That's it!
I have done it this time.
Thinking of making myself look presentable for my police walk-interview.
I got myself a haircut.
I ask the uncle to just cut it short.
And the uncle just went snip away.
Halfway the uncle ask me again.
What kind of hair you wanted again?
I said cut it short lah uncle.
Later he ask me again.
I say this is gonna be bad.
Very bad.
I look dumb now.
But thats okay.
I'm weird they say.
Gonna post some pics with my hair topee thingy.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
Okay I just talk to one of my frens.
And she/he have the feeling to shit.
So i told her/him to shit.
But then she/he doesn't have the mood to shit.
What gives?
I refer the person she/he to protect her/his privacy
Wow just like before a police episode.
I am so good in protecting others.
Whoa aka Keanu Reeves stylee.
Whoa again.
I just love this band called NOT AVAILABLE. They are a punk band from GERMANY.
They play melodic Hardcore/Punkrock.These are the cd covers.
Not Available“ was foundet in 1992.The band consists of 5 members, whoes goal it is to make the world happy with a mixture of smart and heartrefreshing singing and a fast accompaniment of two guitars, a bass and some drums. The 5 musicans, who are already at the age of 24 –26, play a melodic Hardcore/Punkrock.
Their hometown Eislingen is located near Stuttgart,Germany. The members of the band are:
- Dragan (26, Vox)
- Chris (25, Drums)
- Didi (24, Guitar)
- Arndt (24, Guitar)
- Thorte (26, Bass)
After the first demotape, produced by themselves, the band got a little famous and could publish their first EP „burp!“ in 1995 at the lable „Lost and Found“ from Hannover, Germany. „burp!“ contains 6 songs.
After many Europe gigs in Germany, Austrian, Belgium, Netherlands, France etc. they published the first full-length-album „Resitance is Futile“ in 1997. This CD presents 14 turning songs, which got very good grades from the international press.
After lots of other gis „Not Available“ could enthusiasm their audience on bigger events such as the „Super Nova Festival“, watched by 4000 people. The number of fans got bigger and bigger, which became obvious by gigs with famous bands like Lagwagon, Samain, Terrorgruppe, Satanic Surfers etc.
In June 1998 „Fat Mike“ invited them to play as support of NOFX in Essen, Germany.
The present album „Fezzo“ was recorded in February 1999 in association with the producer Mark Dörge in Hannover. It appeared in the middle of 1999. There are 15 songs on it, which show that the spectrum of songwriting has streched more, and it is liked for some fresh ideas in the corner of Melodycore.
Even a short time after the releasedate of the album, „Not Availale“ could finally get the „top-selling-band“ position in its lable.
In the cowse of 1999 they played again on some festivals (e.g wtih „Donots“), and they convinced the audience with their livequalities in Germany and the neighbouring foreign countries. So they were asked to play in Spain.
In the next years they will be back with their „way of making people sweat“ on many gigs.
I got so many mp3s on my harddrive.
I'm sorry Mr Policeman.
Someone gave me those.
I didn't download them. Really.
I buy my cds from my neighbourhood music shop.
I think i lied to you.
Is that hotel california great?
Will i get a free ride to go there?
This is so wrong.
I'm going to sign up to become a junior officer and here i am mocking at the police.
I'm going to say something stupid now.
"Walking walking down the street.
Then I saw a marble.
Oh no wait, it is not a marble.
It is a pebble."
Ermm it supposed to be a rhyme.
But it doesn't sound like one.
And not forgetting the sock poem.
Where da hell did i put my sock?
I'm sure I was wearing it just now.
Oh wait, there it is.
On the sofa.
Nothing incredible happened today.
Went home abt 5am today.
Got really nothing to do yesterday night.
Went to the Jurong Park to burn some tires with my VoneS.
My cousin puL join me later ard 11pm.
Burn some tires again.
and i burnt my exhaust pipe.
I'm gonna make that block of rock to pay me.
Darn that rock.
I brought some kuaci with me.
Relax beside the roadside and ate them.
Went to S11.
My first time going there.
Eventhough its in front of my nostrils, i mean my block.
Nothing really great happened to me today.
But why is my finger stuck to my armpits when i woke up?
Maybe my armpits needs some attention from me now.
Hey STASH woman, thanks for not killing me.
I'm not irritatingly funny but just plain irritating i think.
I do think so.
But again i have to tell you this.
Don't ever touch a switch with your wet bare hands.
Or you will go like "Bzzzszttttttt"
And end up in a nice bed.
Have a nice day at the hospital they say.
Monday, January 14, 2002
Introducing theMeek and SHIRTNINJA photos. NEW! NEW! NEW!
Again the SHIRTNINJA have arrived.
Making a debut again on theMeek.
Both theMeek and SHIRTNINJA is on the roll.
They're unstoppable now.
And they even look stupider.
Brought to you by the number Z.
Is that a number?
Arghhhh my nuts! my nuts!
Dusk came.
Am so bored again.
Picked up my VoneS.
Went to Jurong Park.
Jurong Park seems so creepy around this hour.
Am not so bright going to this place alone.
Oh what the heck.
Burn some tires...
Vrooom Wrooooooom Weeeeeeee
There goes the bumpers.
Lighted up my cigs and smile.
Burn Baby Burn
The Fire Getting Higher.
Woke up early in the morning.
Am so bored.
Went out to check my letterbox wether i had received my NS Enlistment Letter.
But a letter from the SMRT.
Oh the EZ-Link Card.
Am so bored.
Went out to get that Contactless MRT Card.
Whoa. I'm so 21st Century Digital Boy.
A song comes to mind.
The Bad Religion.
21st Century Digital Boy....
Saturday, January 12, 2002
Aww man.
I wish i still had her photo...
School book photo is a crap mutha****in lousy piece of quality.
I wonder how much they pay those photographers.
Woke up today.
Suddenly feeling like sms my old flame.
My first love.
Wow i dreamt about her last night.
It must been years i think since i talk to her.
Wow Farrah you do make an impact on me.
Great shit man.
She replied though.
Just sms her.
And she sms me back.
Kinda fun really
But don't have the nerve to call her.
Don't really know why.
Boy is she hot in my eyes.
I am so crazy ****ing joke.
She invited me to go to her somekind of skool party.
Wow i say.
Eventhough she just saying that, i feel glad.
Hot one she is.
Cool one she is
I suck.
Goodnite you.
May i see you again in my dreams?
Somebody please.
Today run was a great one.
My VoneS is a damn fass ass mutha****** car.
And yeah something funny happened.
Me and my cussin, puL tried to a stint like the Crow.
The flaming crow on the asphalt or somethin.
So i splash some fuel and make some art or crap like that.
And puL really did something stupid.
While holding the bottle in his hands,
He lighted it up.
And guess what?
The fuel ignite alright with the bottle in his hands.
I was WTF?
It was somekind of small explosion.
Whoa great shit man.
Then went arson.
Playing fire is great man.
Brought some twigs and dried wood stuff thingy
Spalsh some of nitro fuel.
Throw my lighter in there.
Heh. Major atomic xplosion gonna happened.
I could imagine a cloud like mushroom smoke appear after it exploded.
Sounds like a mutha******* shit yeah?
puL lighted up the crap and we run like hell.
So we waited....and waited.
So it eploded alright.
But it goes just like this.
yesh it goes like that.
like some mutha****** ass farting.
But it was great shit though.
Lighted up my cigs and smile.
I can't believe this.
When i get up after sitting too long,
I got black outs.
Whoa... i think i got low blood pressure.
My head hurts now.
No more sitting down too long.
And i think no more standing up too long.
Maybe i should squat.
Yeah maybe that is an idea.
Wow what an idea i have.
I am so good.
WTF am i saying?
Oh yeah. It is supposed to make no sense.
Now i get myself.
WTF again?
Thursday, January 10, 2002
Introducing my V ONE S Nitro R/C Touring Car.
My Chassis.
My Chassis with servo saver.
The rear belt.
Ohhh Look at the large arms.
Please drool at a control rate.
Description: Supplanting the popular and successful Spider MKII nitro touring car, the Kyosho V-One S is ready to stake its claim as the new terror of the 1:10 scale touring circuit! Its long list of performance features -- including a powerful Kyosho GS15-R engine -- will really appeal to sport racers looking for that high-tech edge. Modelers can choose from two sleek touring car bodies, each with authentic sponsor decals: the Castrol Mugen NSX and McLaren BMW FA.
Highlights: 3MM thick Aluminum chassis with counter sunk holes, no flexing or twisting once chassis is built
Full time four wheel drive with three belts
Front & Rear Sealed differentials with narrow 20T side gears for faster acceleration with two spider gears. Capable of accepting two more spider gears for smoother diff action
Diff parts and gaskets inter lock with each other and self align screw holes
H/D Servo Saver for Futaba, HiTech, KO, JR and Sanwa systems
Front & Rear differentials supported on large 12x18mm bearings
Front & Rear diff gear box mounts interlock with the chassis for self alignment
Front & Rear out drives supported on larger 10x15mm & 6x12mm bearings
Front & Rear easy adjustable up travel and rear ride height
Adjustable turnbuckles and rods
Fiber reinforced radio plate
Front and Rear Ball Connected Suspension make the car easier to set up with less slop
Tune Pipe Mount.
Hi Impact Foam Bumper
Front and Rear Oil filled shocks
Low CG 7.5cc fuel tank
Engine, Steering and Throttle servos are mounted down the middle of the chassis for better weight distribution
Sealed receiver compartment and includes two different hatches depending on the size of the receiver battery
High and Low front shock mounts for different track set ups
Complete exhaust system with header, coupler and Silent Streak pipe.
Includes a side gear brace, requires 4x8mm bearings
Rear Toe Adjustment and Camber Adjustment with out removing the wheels
Front Caster (6-14 degrees) Camber without removing the wheels
Steel Vented Disc Braking
Die-Cut Window Masking for the body
Capable of mounting other racing .12-size engines
26mm Soft high grip tires and foam inserts
Complete bearing set: 12x18mm (4 pcs), 6x12mm (8 pcs), 10x15mm (4 pcs).
Scale: 1/10
Drive: 4WD
Drive Train: Belt
Bearings: Yes
Pipe: Included
Engine: GS15-R
2 Speed: Not included
Electronics: Not included
Body: KYOC0463 V-One S Castrol Mugen NSX
KYOC0464 V-One S McLaren BMW FA
Height: 100 mm
Width: 200 mm
Length: 377 mm
Wheelbase: 260 mm
Approx. Weight: 1600 g
I'm feeling so crappy today.
I'm feeling so high...
Maybe it's the oxygen.
I can't wait to show you my Nitro R/C Gas Car
It's about 90% complete. I bought a McLaren F1 GTR Body.
When it's finish, I'll definitely post the pictures here.
Me and my car ready to go.
Woo Hoo!!! and yeah forgot Booyah!!!!
I should have known it!
My dad is a man with super powers.
He just had an accident with his bike.
Just before he sent my sis to my aunt house, he fell into a somekind of drain.
He said the pain was nothing.
Later at home, he said his torso was in pain.
Blood was seen on the clothes.
Later after inspection, he got a 4cm open wound.
The incredible thing is that, he said "Tak sakit pun" English-->"No pain"
He also told me that he went shopping after the accident.
Dad and Mom later went to the nearest hospital to take care of the wound.
Whoa...later got to know it cost SGD$197.67 just for the stiches.
I can't believe it man! Still can go shopping after the accident?
The blood on the clothes...Whoa!
Ishk magic show indeed!?
Friday, January 04, 2002
Thursday, January 03, 2002
eons and eons after slumbering in deep sleeps,
I've updated my site a little bit. yeap just a bit.
The splash is kinda replaced with a carrotman.
And I link a fren of mine.
And i also added a potrait of my Mom and Dad.
And also i added my Lord of the Rings Special Shirt.
Look for it in the CenterPage.
And not forgetting, I also took lotsa pictures of me before I went for my NS.
Some of the pictures will make u bleed blood from the nose.
I look bad. But I'm not bad. Really. No Kidding. Ha!