Wednesday, February 27, 2002
later in the afternoon,
i went to my local daily World of Sports shop in Jurong Point
to buy my new sets of swimming goggles.
then i saw this nice sweet looking girl.
she look sweet the very!
woW i say! (in my heart of course)
i should get to know this girl
but of course my meek counterpart overcame me.
So i just keep quiet and make my grand exit shamefully.
But the best thing is,
she smiled back at me when i smile at her.
But of course, they do have to smile at customers.
I know mine wasn't an exception.
But i sure wish her smile to me was once in her lifetime.
oh how so sweet your smile are...
to the girl at World of Sports in Jurong Point.
Sunday, February 24, 2002
Another code of the Jedi:
Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet the Force.
"Tales of the Jedi RPG Companion.” [Page 143]
Code Of the Jedi
Jedi are
the guardians of
peace in the galaxy.
Jedi use their powers to
defend and to protect,
never to attack others.
Jedi respect all life, in any form.
Jedi serve others, rather than
ruling over them, for the good
of the galaxy.
Jedi seek to improve
themselves through
and training.
This's probabley the first crap you'll read and the last u'll ever read,
so excuse me if i'm brief. It 5am and this goes to the keyboard in about 6 or
so hours. I'll probabley not notice any misplled words or not care anyways.
Since I don't like being smart lets just go to...
I'm a geek.
a stupid one.
I can't play any musical intruments.
I tried once. Tried playing the guitar
But I can't even tune. So i thought I'm tone deaf.
I tried twice.
So I tried playing the drums.
It's look like I'm having parkinson's disease.
I'm sorry Mr Parkinson, but isn't it sad.
A disease after your name?
Some punk maybe pissing on/laughing at your tombstone.
Here lies Mr Parkinson.
It's okay. Maybe flowers will bloom after the piss puddled spot.
Scratching your butt is a great exercise
So I ended up just listening to music
and going to gigs and try to be one of the crowd.
But I can't. I want to be apart from the crowd.
I want to stand out among the crowd.
But would I jump about and ended up being a Mr Piss In my Pants?
How i envy those music playing people.
So much fun playing music,
but what's with all the angst and rants?
i thought music makes people happy.
just like eating ice cream on a rainy day.
they say they are playing for the love of music
playing music for the love of ____(put name here)
but actually screaming words crying for attention.
Jaded expression would usually follows their emotions.
who the bloodyhell sms me?
and these punk flailing about in the damien pit.
i wish there's mercury rain over them
so they can't have babies.
i'll be shooting them with my chocolate covered gun,
i know the police can't catch me.
u'll see,the police can't catch
Cos they'll be seeing me licking a chocolate covered gun.
if they do, i'll shoot them in the foot.
and they can't catch me then.But I don't have a gun.
Maybe I would use my stapler loaded with stapler bullets.
(you know, you can't load them with real bullets unless you're MacGuyver)
a rented car is a rented whore.
deep in my thoughts
if peter pan were to live in world with twin suns(*replaced this if u've seen K Pax),
wouldn't he be shooting himself in the head.
Cos it's hard for him to catch two of his shadows.
At one point, I actually believed that I would stop being so
presumptuous. Silly me. What, then, does "orbiculatoelliptical" mean? It
means considerably more than any dictionary is likely to say.
How much longer can you tolerate my primitive criticisms before the whole
country collectively throws up?
I sure would fantasize about Ricky Martin.
With my gun pointing to his nostrils.
I would dug them deep into his cavernous holes,
and pulled the trigger with a double action motion.
When he's dead, i would surely sell his underpants to a nun selling cigarettes for underpants.
Just like everyone would do.
Wouldn't you all be doing that? Who would pass for a free cigarettes.
Unless you're a vegan. But do you ever wonder?
Can a tobacco be a type of vegetable?
We can and we must protect ourselves by any means necessary against
the unregenerate bestiality of worthless adolescents.
if you can't play your music cd.
u would see scratches on them.
kindly dab some dental paste like colgate and clean them clockwise or anti-clockwise
but never in a pentagramwise direction.
We are the human hibernating animal.
Before i sleep.
i fantasize of being in a rock and roll band
playing in the band with all 5 of myself.
which i could clone myself with special abilities like bass playing flea
and a clown dancing to the Gehenna-drumbeats.
bloodyhell! i should have shot the groupies with my stapler bullets.
i'm the real deal
a geek.
a stupid one.
The reason is clear. My expositions are a load of claptrap.
Let everyone now join hands, hearts, and minds to remind me about the concept
of truth in advertising.
Lastly there's no need to be dfensive.
no need to act tough and jaded around me.
point the finger at someone or hee or haw.
You're a geek.
Just like me.
So now the horrible truth is out.
we can stop pretending now and get to know each other.
Hi, how are you?
Kenapa kaki kau sakit?
sebab gigi badol patah.
Kenapa gigi badol patah?
sebab dia tertelan cagu param.
Kenapa dia tertelan cagu param?
sebab kereta jiran aku meletop.
Kenapa kereta jiran kau meletop?
sebab anjing tok ketua kampung kau mati tersedak durian.
Kenapa anjing dia mati?
Sebab bapak dia kawin ngan negro.
Kenapa bapak dia kawin ngan negro?
sebab lightsaber aku dah tak cukup bateri.
Kenapa lightsaber kau takde bateri.
sebab kebun mak dia dah kena makan ngan badol.
Kenapa badol makan kebun mak dia?
i have fantasizing abt ricky martin. about shooting his brains out and
taking his underpants to a nun who sell cigarettes for underpants.
Friday, February 22, 2002
Your Results:
You were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern North China, approximately in the year 1350.
Your profession was: builder of roads, bridges, docks.
A brief psychological profile of you in that past life:
Revolutionary type. You inspired changes in any sphere - politics, business, religion, housekeeping. Could be a leader.
A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is:
To learn humility and faith in spiritual principles. You should believe in High Reason.
Now that bloodyhell explains it. Now I know why I look chinese.
Thursday, February 21, 2002
I can't sleep on some nights.
So I loaded up Photoshop and scribble stuffs.
And I ended up drawing this piece of Van Goh art.
Can't you see the scribbly signature moves by implementing his style of brushstroke.
Okie so I lied. But I had his ears once won in an Auction.
I'm sure you guys wanna know what is with me and frying pans.
Please leave a comment if you wanna know why.
All questions will be paid thru VISA or underpants.
the swimmer
when i was younger
i didn't know how to swim.
now i know how to swim
because i learned how to swim.
the gift
i brought you a sack of apples,
please eat them.
eat them now,
before i punch you and take your money.
I'll be balik kampung to celebrate Hari Raya Haji in Malaysia.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!
Before I'll leave my home, I'm sure to close all the gas valve.
Do you know that in every 1 in a gazillion household(I don't know the statistics, but bloodyhell read this)
the gas from the container can leak out and slowly fill every cubic inch of the room
and within days your house is a living napalm bomb.
And how fire is evitable? Behind every refrigerator there might be power surge or something
and a spark from the refrigerator could start a napalm bomb in your own house
for only free! free! free!
You wouldn't want fourth of july to be happening to your own home don't you?
Cos you're not even American to celebrate that.
So bloody close the gas valve when you're not bloody using it.
Ps: I've seen this in FIGHT CLUB. Even it's just a movie. It's bloody real.
So I've been wondering, what's with the cat extra pinky finger at every paw?
I say maybe when we're not looking, they able to operate on microwave,hairdryers
and even maybe taking a photograph while it's cleaning it rear.
Just as we have opposable thumb, they have an extra pinky finger on every base of their paw.
I hope the cats can't dial long distance phone calls or my mom will scream at me.
Okie so I was talking to Scylla about dead actresses and it leads to talking who is who.
Bloodyhell I want to be audrey hepburn and then she wanted to be Audrey hepburn
and I should be Greta Grebo.
But wait a minute? Why should I want to be a dead actresses when I can be a dead actor.
bloody fooking hell.
Pardone my francais.
Wednesday, February 20, 2002
Taken from IRC yesterday. I have no idea how i ended up there.
theMeek: ketiak aku gatal and horny
Flirtyeye: mak ai...
T_BoB:RTM 1 amik Barcelona vs Roma nyer game ah
T_BoB: power terdemah!!!!!!
theMeek: korang tak nak tido ke? dah masok waktu makruh ni
Sw|t7T|Nf: hehehhee
T_BoB: »¡«Scøøp MP3»!« [11-gorillaz-19-2000(soulchild_remix)-rns.mp3]
T_BoB: LiverFOOL vs Gala konsperm boring nyer
theMeek: yeah betul
theMeek: tapi liverpool akan menang
T_BoB: menang tu dier nyer pasal
theMeek: pasal tu sebab dia berus gigi sebelum masuk waktu imsak
meaning in english = i have no castration in the above statement so help me fried bananas.
Whoa my sister life is getting better and better since she join ITE.
She's playing as a striker in her school.
And tomorrow she's going to represent her school as a sprinter.
Her school coach saw her running and immediately ask her to run for school.
So after that I went to the kitchen to have a drink.
Then I heard the refrigerator talking to me.
It went like blub blub blub blub
Just like you hear the goldfish in a fishtank goes
blub blub blub blub
I don't really understood what it said.
So I said bye bye little refrigerator man.
So my eyes is not sleepy yet.
So I went rummaging thru my videotapes.
Feeling bored, I pooped the tape in the VHS player and watch it.
I like the Grunge days. Please bring back the days.
Come on over and do the twist.
Ahh ha!
Overdo it and have a fit
Love you so much it makes me sick
Come on over and do the twist
Mom and dad went to a show
they dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's
I kicked and screamed, said please no
Grandma take me home
Grandma take me home
Grandma take me home
Oh bring back. Oh bring back
Oh bring back my grunge days to me. To me!
I'm so lazy to update the layout.
It's looks so bloody sad.
So I got this idea to reorganized the bloody site.
But before opening any html-editing, I would bloodyhell open winamp/read online comic/see uglyfaces/surfporn/webCamMyself/
bloodyhell, I'm too tired to change the layout by then.
So let's make love to a frying pan.
What Psych-Ward do you belong to?
What in the bloodyhell is autism?
I got the same Casio watch Osama Bin Laden is using.
See him wearing those.
China Chow has really nice eyes
Tuesday, February 19, 2002
Ok here I am 3:13am in front of the computer.
I can't really sleep. Well just like any other days.
Here I'm thinking. It seems that I have a minute number of friends that are girls.
Looks like all the girls I knew is from my schools which I have been to.
I think there is less than 20 of them which I knew are girls.
Ok let me see. what the bloodyhell is going on here?
I'm thinking here I'm sitting all week long at home doing nothing.
Where is my partner? My significant other?
So my friend asked me to tag him along so that I can meet other people(girls I mean).
I followed him but when I was there. I can't really talk as normal. There are girls.
It seems that I've become a mute when I'm around them.
What the bloodyhell is this?
I want to talk to them but I bloody can't.
So I said. Maybe I can't mix well with his girl friends.
That's okay.
So one time my cousin asked me to follow him to meet his friends.
So why not I asked myself. I could get to know his girl friends.
Maybe I can get along with a girl and and maybe we could get along.
The same thing happened. The bloodyhell I can't.
What's the matter with me I say.
Everytime there are girls, I froze.
I can't even look them in the eye. Everytime I see girls I would nod my head down.
There is something wrong right up my head.
I'm in need of special attention from girls.bloodyhell! who doesn't.
I wouldn't want to be alone all my life.
I finally knew what is the matter with me.
I am afraid of girls.
and I'm 22.
I've done for.

Everyone loves to hang out with me.
Which Sesame Street Character Are You?
bloodyhell, I'm ERNIE in Oscar skin? Oops.I mean fur?
Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
bloodyhell, is he the one from Can't Hardly wait too? and also the shitty horror freakyLinks.
But the shitty horror freakyLinks is a great show.
Monday, February 18, 2002
If i were to have a dream job, what would it be?
it's so simple.
Today run was tiring.
No jog partner with me today.
Funny story.
Before that my cousin and I have plan where to meet.
But we ended up waiting in different places.
I waited for 2 crappy hours waiting for him.
Why am I typing all these?
Cos I wanted you all to read and vomit carrots and bunnies.
and frying pan.
From now on.
I'm Scylla's steady SuperSub-boyfrwen.
Well she can be too demanding.
But that's okay.
I'm a superSub.
But now I have to learn about subwoofers and hairdryer.
and maybe frying pans.
kevin smith, most famous for his role as ares on the shows hercules and xena died. he fell like six stories while in china.

Take the Radiohead Collective Member Test.
Bloody hell.I thought I was Jonny Greenwood.
Fucking straight I should be him.
I can't be him.Well I could.
But I should be him
and bloodyhell i do have a nice piece of ass.
Or him.
with a nice piece of ass that is...
Sunday, February 17, 2002
Oh I've been bad today.
Please wash the dishes after you use them.
Thank you.

Take the What
animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
Oh yeah. Don't mess with me or i'll romp you.
I don't really like to wear underwears.
They really crunch your balls if you have two.
Boxers is the best,
It helps your balls.
Got this from afny
I thought I was a "green" person.
Well this quiz kinda suck anyway!
Need to relearn breathing
to control my heart rate.
Need to learn the ways of the Jedi training.
and Yes.
That was a dumb line.
Yesterday had my Intensive Training started.
Ran for about 3km or less with alot of stops.
Whoa my fitness level is atrocious!
Luckily there is my cousin to guide me.
Good thing he was a fitness instructer during his NS days.
We started around 2230hrs and ended around 0045hrs.
Got back home.
Legs started to ache.
Then had another dream.
Before that we watch X-Files Fight The Future on the VCD.
I was running away from a secret goverment conspiracy.
Weird dreams these days I'm having.
Friday, February 15, 2002
-13,500,000,000 BSW4(Before STAR WARS IV: A NEW HOPE)
The Big Bang. Out of the Great Void came the universe, its’ galaxies, star systems and suns. Everything that exists, and will ever exist, was spawned from the primordial plasma of time’s beginning. Over billions of years, planets formed, and life arose through a steady progression of increasingly complex organisms. Woven into and intertwined with all of this – from the smallest molecule to the largest star – was the Force. Symbiont and residing within cells in all life forms are the Midichlorians, a microscopic life form that is intertwined with the Force. These tiny life forms communicate with the Force and reveal its’ will. The Force is an essential part of nature – like energy or matter – but it has yet to be quantified and analysed. The Force is not to be understood in the same manner as physical qualities of the universe. The laws of physics are observable; technology is predictable and readily – controlled. The Force is neither controlled nor controlling – it is part of life itself; asking if it controls or can be controlled is like asking if a person controls his component cells, or the cells control him. It is not known whether the Force has always been, came about as life evolved into intelligence, or if it coerced the evolution of intelligence. To the Jedi, it does not matter. It is enough to know that the Force is.
Thanks to Matthew Holm and Jeffrey Winkler for that correction.
Description also from “SW RPG Tales of the Jedi Sourcebook.” [Page 8]
Also from “Star Wars Roleplaying Game – 2nd Edition.” [Page 136 - 137]
Another dream.
Seems like I'm in a middle of a concert.
Guess what?
I'm in a middle of Mandy Moore 's concert.
What da!?
Seems like I'm in Australia.I think so eventhough I've never been there.
And "American Pig" is playing in the background.
Mandy Moore and "American Pig"?
"American Pig" is a song from SUGAR RAY - FLOORED
Thursday, February 14, 2002
I had another dream this evening.
Kinda fuzzy.
My head is in a swirl.I felt strange pain in my head.
My mom,grandma and one of my aunt is in my dream.
In one scene I was in a doctor's clinic.
The doctor told me that I have 4 mths till something bad happens.
I ask the doctor "what?"
The doctor said maybe I need brain surgery.
Me and my mom was there.
But we just remained calm.
Then I remember that last 3 mths I had hurt myself in the head.
Then I woke up. Only to find out that it was only 1230 in the morning.
Another sleepless night again...
Wednesday, February 13, 2002
This is funny!
I need to write down all the events happening in my dreams.
I need to solve all these confusing dreams.
I had a weird dream last night.
Anyway I had weird dreams for the past 2 weeks.
Seems to make up all the lost dreams I had.
I dreamt that there is a gerl who love me but we had to be apart forever
Cos she is gonna migrate to another part of the world.
In that world, it seems that the world is so much different.
So different from earth.
The terrain.The places.
It is so weird.
The gerl looks very much like her
It seems so sad.We cried.We hugged.I have never felt so in love like that.
Anyways, I ask her how can I contacted her again.
She drew me a weird map. With arabic letterings on them.
When I woke up, I found out that I really cried.My eyes is all puff up.
Weird. Very weird.
I have all these confusing weird dreams
But I don't know someone that I could share this.
What's with all these questions?
Explaining how "Fear leads to Anger to Hatred to Suffering"
Question: What words did Obi-Wan Kenobi precede and conclude with, when he was explaining to young Sky-walker the danger of fear, in EPISODE 1. Though I didn't get it exactly it impressed me being the best I've ever heard. Can you help me with this quote?
Answer: It was Yoda, not Obi-Wan, who mentioned this principle to Anakin Skywalker. He said, "Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to Suffering."
One is fearful of losing something or someone. When that someone or something is finally lost, we become angry. That is why fear leads to anger. If anger focuses on person we hold responsible for our loss, the anger turns into hatred for that person. Hatred, in turn causes suffering, for it impels people work for the harm of others.
Yoda is paraphrasing a very old tennent, which in the ancient Jedi scrolls and holocubes runs like this in the original language:
dhyaiatoe vishuyahn pungsuha sunguhs teshoopuhjayuhte sungauhs suhnjahyate kahmuha kahmaht krowdho bhijahyuhte
Here the source of anger is noted as attachment (sunguha-kahmah). Yoda called this "fear," because the attachment makes one fearful of losing or not obtaining something, and thus leads to anger and hate (krowdho).
The old tenant continues:
krowdhahd bhuhvuhti summohuha sammohaht smriti-vibhruhmuha smriti-bhruhmshahd buddhi-nahsho buddhi-nahshaht pruhnuhshyuhti
The end result of anger, as Yoda said, is destruction and suffering (pruhuhshyuhti).
The complete cycle given in the ancient tenant, which Yoda paraphrased to young Anakin Skywalker is: contemplation leads to attachment, attachment leads to desire, desire leads to anger, anger leads to confusion, confusion leads to disregard for codes of morality, such disregard destroys the intellect, and when the intellect is destroyed, all is destroyed.
Monday, February 11, 2002
Some days. I just feel like crying.
I have again fallen to the bottomless pit of melancholy.
Please someone. Help me please.
Throw me a rope.
Talking to me is just enough.
I shall not feel this way!
I shall fight in this mind battle!
I shall not succumb to sadness!
I shall not!
I shall not!!
I shall not!!!
My eyes bleed again once more.
Friday, February 08, 2002
The CLONE WARS has begun!
Enter the DarkSide
COUNT DOOKU:I bring you good news, my Lord. The war has begun.
DARTH SIDIOUS:Excellent. Everything is going as planned.
Enter the JediKnight
Yoda has the last line in the movie, and he says it to Obi-Wan:
YODA:Victory? Victory, you say? Not victory. A defeat it was, Master Obi-Wan. Begun, the Clone War has!
Thursday, February 07, 2002
With Great Powers... Comes Great Responsibility
Darn that Tobey Maguire
It should be me!
Spider-man: The Movie
Release Date: May 3, 2002
Wednesday, February 06, 2002
Fauzi came by just now.
So I say. Hey Let's take a webCam.
Then he say. Let's go.
Then I say. Hey Let's!
And he went HipHop style.
I just went my own normal self way.
Just plain silly!
I think I'm not gonna update the webCam.
It looks perfectly silly now.
Oh yes!
Again it comes.
The month of Lurveee!
I just loves watching love movies.
Not the mushy kind but the warm hearted
which will make you cry with joy.
And I'm not a sissy boy.
I'm just full of love.
I just love watching the wedding singer.
Adam Sandler is the man!
I just love this part.
Somebody Kill Me
Ok, I just want to warn you that when I wrote this song I was listening to the Cure a lot.
You don't know how much I need you.
While you're around I don't feel blue.
And when we kiss I know that you need me too.
I can't believe I found a love that's so pure and true.
But it all was bullshit.
It was a goddam joke.
And when I think of you Linda,
I hope you fucking choke.
I hope you're glad with what you've done to me.
I lay in bed all day long feeling melancholy.
You left me here all alone, tears running constantly.
Oh somebody kill me please,
somebody kill me plee-ase,
I'm on my knees,
pretty pretty please kill me.
I want to die.
Put a bullet in my head.
Kid: You're going to the mental institution.
Went to the airport with puL.
Sending his fren named Huda.
Going to Australia to study.
Met his frens there.
Then one time, one of his frens ask me for my age.
I told them I was 22.
They can't believe it they say.
I ask them what's my age then?
Whoa again!
I knew it! I look younger with my short hair.
I look 6 years younger to them.
Now I am a ManBoy.
Sunday, February 03, 2002
Darn it!
I slept through the day and forgot about P.O.D
This is just plain insane!
But manage to wake up before MTVASIA Award starts.
Then there was a blackout.
What gives?
But it sucks though.
Got to watch P.O.D play on TV after the electricity was back online.
RockSteadyLah! in other words --> POWER CAM ITIK!
Friday, February 01, 2002
This place is not complete without my birthday pictorials!
Late it is.
Taken on 17th August.
Subliminal Message:
Fiz@Scylla did this for me!
A picture taken on August 17th 2001.
Can't resist the picture of me she said.
I pity the Foo'!
Hey that's me!